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Membership Application

Please complete all sections of the Membership Application.

First, Middle, Last
Fax, Cell etc.
First, Middle, Last
Street, City, State, Zip

Child 1

Child 2

Child 3

Child 4

Please list the name and date of death for loved ones whose yahrzeits you wish to be remembered at the Shabbat service preceding the anniversary date. Yahrzeit observances follow the Hebrew calendar, but you may request the secular date if preferred. Our database will calculate the Hebrew date from the secular date provided the year of death is included.

Yahrzeit 1

Hebrew name also, if known
Secular Date and Time of Day (AM or PM) or Hebrew Date (if known). YEAR OF PASSING NEEDED

Yahrzeit 2

Hebrew name also, if desired
Secular Date and Time of Day (AM or PM) or Hebrew Date (if known). YEAR OF PASSING NEEDED

Yahrzeit 3

Hebrew name if known
Secular Date and Time of Day (AM or PM) or Hebrew Date (if known). YEAR OF PASSING NEEDED

Yahrzeit 4

Hebrew name also, if known
Secular Date and Time of Day (AM or PM) or Hebrew Date (if known). YEAR OF PASSING NEEDED

Yahrzeit 5

Hebrew name also, if known
Secular Date and Time of Day (AM or PM) or Hebrew Date (if known). YEAR OF PASSING NEEDED

Yahrzeit 6

Hebrew name also, if known
Secular Date and Time of Day (AM or PM) or Hebrew Date (if known). YEAR OF PASSING NEEDED
(if applicable) Month, Day, Year
Sing, play an instrument, Chant Torah, Teach, Bake, Cook
For Ways to engage: would you like to participate in a service, could you lead a service, can you garden.

Consent to use photographs taken at synagogue-related events on the synagogue's website and other published congregational materials will be assumed unless the synagogue office is notified. Notification to opt out of this policy must be made in writing.

If you are requesting dues relief (even if you were granted dues relief for the current fiscal year), please download the form at https://templebnaichaim.org/tbc-forms/. Complete the form and include it with your membership renewal. Requests for dues relief will be reviewed promptly in the order received. All requests are reviewed in the strictest confidence to ensure complete privacy, your information will only be available to the Dues Relief Committee which consists of the President, Past President and the Treasurer. Please send in the form no later than July 31st in order not to delay High Holiday Tickets!

The Synagogue Building Fund is dedicated to our facility. Your minimum mandatory contribution to The Synagogue Building Fund is:

AUTHORIZATION: My/Our account will remain subject to its individual terms and conditions, which are not modified by this authorization. I/We understand that this authorization will remain in its full force and effect until Temple B'nai Chaim has received written notification from me/us of its termination in such time and in such manner as to afford TEMPLE B'NAI CHAIM and the DEPOSITOR a reasonable opportunity to act on it. If my/our account is closed or does not contain the necessary funds to cover the automated withdrawal, then it is my/our responsibility to notify Temple B'nai Chaim of such changes in writing before the next scheduled automated withdrawal and make alternate arrangements, such as providing a new account number. Failure to do so will result in instantaneous termination of automated withdrawal, and I/we shall immediately pay the balance of remaining outstanding charges in order to remain members in good standing.

NOTE: Recurring automated withdrawals are scheduled for the 15th of the month. If the scheduled date of an automated withdrawal falls on a holiday or a weekend, Temple B’nai Chaim will initiate the automated withdrawal on the next business day. Members who enroll after the first recurring automated withdrawal will immediately be debited for any missed payments; the remainder will be debited as per above schedule.

Account Details

Enter your name and e-mail address for your confirmation

Payment Information


For added Security please check the box below.
